Emergency Management
While the Municipality of Port Hope is a safe place to live and work, emergencies can happen anywhere and at anytime. We are committed to a process of emergency planning and response that will help to ensure the safety of our residents in the event of an emergency. The Municipality has an Emergency Plan which details how the Municipality will respond to various emergencies.
Most incidents that do occur are handled by well-trained emergency responders. In the event of a larger incident, the head of Council may decide to declare an emergency and assemble local officials at the municipal Emergency Operations Centre. This approach ensures a coordinated and effective strategic response.
Once an emergency has been declared, the Emergency Plan will be implemented. This is done under the leadership of the Municipal Emergency Control Group, a group of senior officials, whose primary task is to safeguard the health, welfare, safety and property of residents and to oversee the return to normal conditions.
How to be Prepared
The Municipality of Port Hope, as well as your regional, provincial and federal governments, are prepared to respond during emergencies, but only you can prepare yourself and your household. Every citizen has a responsibility to be prepared for an emergency which should include a plan and sufficient supplies to last for a minimum of 72 hours.
Information on how to create an emergency kit and family emergency plan is at your fingertips. Take the time now to ensure you are prepared later, regardless of what type of emergency may occur.
Be sure to consider any special accommodations that may need to be made for family pets, and/or yourself or a loved one with a disability.
We recommend subscribing to the Municipality's emergency alerts so you can quickly access updates from governing authorities should an emergency situation arise.

Find out what it means to shelter in place and how to prepare