Film Permit Process
The Port Hope Film Permit process provides clear instructions on how to conduct a successful filming occurrence. Guidance and recommendations will be given to ensure the needs of the the film company are met. The successful applicant will complete all required permits prior to the initial filming date.
Step 1: Submit a Film Permit Application
Upon initial interest, the proponent will be required to complete and submit a Film Permit Application. The Film Permit will indicate the location and needs of the film occurrence. The Film Policy will provide guidance in how to properly complete the Permit Application. The Permit should be submitted with a Certificate of Insurance as indicated in the Film Policy, naming the Municipality of Port Hope and Heritage Business Improvement Area (if required) as additionally insured.
Step 2: Submit a Road Occupancy Permit
If any filming is to take place on any roadways, sidewalks, or require Intermittent Traffic Control, a Road Occupancy Permit must be completed. The Municipality will determine the requirements based on the information given in the planning phase of the filming occurrence as well as any details specified in the Road Occupancy Permit. Some needs may include, onsite police presence, traffic control signage installed by staff, additional communication to public, etc. It is critical to the success of the filming occurrence that a Road Occupancy Permit be submitted as soon as possible as it is not uncommon for occupancy to have already been granted for special events or construction.
Apply for a Road Occupancy Permit
Step 3: Pay All Applicable Fees
The fees included in the Film Process may vary between film occurrences depending on the requirements. Fees must be paid prior to the initial filming date and will be provided in an itemized list. Payments may be made in cheque to the Finance Department. The fees may range from Film Permit Fee, Road Occupancy Permit Fee, Facility Rental Fee, cost of Intermittent Traffic Control, parking fees, cost of labour, etc. Any fees arranged with a private film location must be arranged with the property owner. These negotiations will not include any involvement from the Municipality.
Step 4: Outline Additional Needs (parking, traffic control, by-law and police)
Any additional needs will be identified in the Film Permit application as per the Municipal recommendations. This may include parking, traffic control, and additional signage required. Any parking is to be arranged with the By-Law office and fees paid accordingly. Traffic Control must be arranged with the Port Hope Police Department. Guidance will be provided to ensure a successful and efficient film occurrence.