Funding and Grants
In order to help fund community events and programs, the Municipality of Port Hope offers community grants and donations.

Community grants help non-profit organizations and registered charities fund local events, programs and services. Learn how to apply and see if your organization is eligible

Organizations and registered charities can apply for a donation for any amount less than $2,500. Learn how to apply and find out if you are eligible

Please view our Community Improvement Plan to learn more about the variety of grant programs included in our Downtown Port Hope Community Improvement Plan

Check out our tax rebates to learn more about our property tax rebate programs. Review the property tax rebates available for properties located in the Municipality of Port Hope
Waive of fees
You can complete the online Waiving of Fees application if you are in need of financial assistance for user fees. For a copy of the Waive of Fees application, simply print the online form, or contact us by phone at 905-885-8760 or by email.
Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
- Submit online
- Download your form, select print at the top right of your screen, complete the fields, and place it in the drop-box mail slot at Town Hall 56 Queen Street
- Download your form, select print at the top right of your screen, complete the fields, and mail to Town Hall 56 Queen Street, Port Hope Ontario, L1A 3Z9
Review our Waiving of Fees Policy to see if your organization qualifies. Council may consider waiving all, or a portion of the fees for Port Hope based non-profit community organizations or groups. For a copy of this policy, contact Finance staff.