Council Year in Review
Our year by the numbers: 2023 Council annual report to the community

Stance on climate
Council took a pro-active stance on how it approaches the environment and mitigates the future risks of climate change.
Demonstrated by: |

Stance on equity, diversity, and inclusion
Council is raising the profile and voices of historically marginalized people.
Demonstrated by: |

Stance on infrastructure
Council recognizes the importance of investing in the municipality's infrastructure and is willing to make the difficult decisions to safeguard future generations.
Demonstrated by: |
Heavy investment in infrastructure over the past two budgets |

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) hiring
Successful recruitment and transition of a new Chief Administrative Officer (only employee of Council).
Investments into municipal staff
The investments into municipal staff to assist with retention and a healthy work life balance.
Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan
Waterfront and Riverwalk master plan, many committee hours of members of Council, staff and volunteers
Other Notable Achievements:
Established the Grant Facilitator position for the first time.
Recruitment of new Police Chief Tim Farquharson.
Approval of a 74-unit seniors independent living residential building and 36 bungalow townhouse units on Henderson Street. Additionally, Council required a commitment to dedicate 5 units to affordable housing prior to approval.
Directed staff to bring forward the necessary policy amendments required to formalize a youth representative appointment to support Council and identify the associated term, selection processes, and rules of order to be utilized.
Negotiated the future conveyance of the Little Creek lands and a significant financial contribution to be used by the Municipality for tree planting within the Municipality.
Achievements at the County level:
Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky is a member of Northumberland County Council, currently in the role of Deputy Warden. Here are some of the initiatives established at the County level that directly impact our community:
Northumberland County committed to include the necessary future budgets required to improve the intersection of County Road 2, County Road 10 and County Road 74 (Dale Road) in the hamlet of Welcome.
Inter-municipal Task Force on Housing and Homelessness. This was approved and implemented at the municipal and the County levels. Port Hope's representatives on the Task Force are Councillors Claire Holloway Wadhwani and Todd Attridge.
The Role of Council
As outlined in section 224 of the Municipal Act, the Council's duties involve representing the public and considering the municipality's well-being and interests. Their responsibilities include developing and evaluating municipal policies and programs, determining municipal services, and ensuring transparent and accountable governance. Councils also maintain financial integrity and comply with legislative requirements.
Municipal councils have a broad range of responsibilities and may choose to organize their work using committee structures. At the Municipality of Port Hope, we use a Committee of the Whole structure as well as advisory committees made up of a mix of councillors and members of the public. These committees carry out the work of council and then report back to council with recommendations.
Council Composition
- Elected officials for the Municipality of Port Hope is comprised of seven members; one member elected as Mayor and six elected as Councillors.
- Of these Councillors, four serve the Urban area and two represent the Rural area, ensuring comprehensive coverage and attention to all parts of our Municipality.